Monday, April 9, 2012

The Mission of this Site

As you might be aware, my mother got diagnosed with one of the deadliest forms of brain cancer early last year. I moved back to Florida just 10 months after moving to California from Florida. My mother was a mess and I was a mess in a different way. We're both so much better now. (My better status doesn't mean that I have much time to delete or modify the old stuff, which might be pathetic content wise. I noticed a few errors that are cringe worthy.)

Finding about ex-vegans gave me a healthy dose of skepticism and critical thinking in general. This has proved very helpful. If I was to heed the advice of conventional, Western medicine, which is not based on nutrition, or ignore out-of-patent, generic, and more effective drugs that work better with less side effects, my mother would be either dead or severely debilitated. She is neither. Yay Mom!

Yay to Rhys Southan whose ex-vegan story began my hobby in nutrition. My mother is alive and kicking today partially because of this hobby. Personally, I feel that it is God Who guided me inwardly from the very beginning. Others might call it the law of attraction or just plain luck. No matter: I am grateful to whatever the-great-thing-that-transpired-in-my-life is called that sent me in this direction.

Original Intent of this site on 12/6/10 at 5:17 pm Pacific Time:

The mission of this site is to present the reasons why there are ex-vegans from a nutritional standpoint. However, sometimes I write from a psychological and/or spiritual perspective because it's really intertwined with the diet for many people.

I may be way off on the deep end or I may have some insight, that's for you to determine for yourself. I was very much shaken and sad to realize that my most beloved diet was not perfect for everyone. I had to address the question: If this is the "One Diet to Rule Them All" then there shouldn't be any ex-vegans?

But there is no diet like that. And there are ex-vegans.

What I want is a place, a resource, where a vegan who is groggy, has nose bleeds, cavities, hair loss, low libido, and so forth can turn to to get some ideas in regular everyday language. Such as: Groggy, foggy, can't concentrate? Check this out vegan dude... Simple ones such as natural mineral salt with the natural iodine, kelp, using oil in your kale salad, cooking your carrots, and other ideas like that. Getting healthy and feeling healthy may come down to something simple. It is that way in coding many times.

People feeling sick or tired need to know that they are not alone and they need a safe place to come to without being lambasted for failing or feeling bad on the most "precious" (using another LOTR term) diet. People who are thriving on the vegan diet sometimes take it as a personal affront if everyone is not thriving on it. Well, sorry to say, once again, "We are not clones of Donald Watson". Yeah, I'm sick of hearing it too.

I am not an expert. No one is an expert if you equate being an expert with some kind of omniscience. You need to discern and determine all aspects of your life and the questions and problems before you. If you want sound vegan nutrition advice, go to and Why is he better than an MD like Dr. MacDougall? Because he has no monetary gain or reputation (God like status) to protect and his motivations are freaking awesome, that's why! If you are a heart patient, go to a doctor.

Use this site at your own risk. Be mad at me if you want. When I have time in January, I will fix this site up and clean up the writing, or trade with a writer. I'm not a writer, I'm an artist.


  1. Thank you for making this blog. Right now I'm struggling to find balance with health problems (veg for 15 years) while also maintaing a compassionate lifestyle.
    I love the information that you present.
    How do you feel about Daniel Vitalis? He first gained popularity in the raw vegan movement and now is an ex-vegan writing about health and longevity.
    I'm not suggesting eating meat anymore than I'm suggesting staying vegan. I'm extra confused right now and just wanted to say thanks.

  2. You are a sweet, dear soul. Have you consulted with Jack Norris?

    I will read about this man Dan. Okay I just read the "why I'm not vegan page". Yes, he had a whole philosophy and a "raw-ligion" and when his health took a nose dive he found new one that sang sweet music to his starved body. Weston Price to the rescue. The African village

    barely eats much meat, has wonderful health, and they chow on some termites for b12

    I would pay good money to see that the people with the good teeth and vibrant health have good flora and the reason they can get so much nutrition from their food is because of that along with using oils, not because they are noshing on meat morning noon and night. This village barely eats any meat and they are eating wheat which is supposedly bad. I have no idea about that. I am such a gluten fan, but I don't go nuts with it, and I use things to help in digestion such as probiotics. Anyway, that's me. I have no way of proving my good flora theory over the meat and such as the reason why there is good health generally.

    He was a really extreme fruitarian. I don't know how anyone, except a yogi in India, can sustain a human body on that. When raw foodists don't supplement they can get into big trouble, from what I have gathered. To me the raw movement with the "enzymes" flies in the face of science 101, it is hard for me to think of it as the vegan diet. I'm sorry if this upsets people.

    There's a site by an ex raw vegan to but she's got lots of information on how to stay raw and possibly vegan. Really bright, smart person.

    I would consult with Jack Norris. I would love to see you get healthy and maintain not eating animals, since that is what it appears you want to do as well and honoring your heart of hearts while taking care of your human form too, would be ideal!

  3. They compared the diet to kids eating meat, dairy, and sugar and so forth but the culprit is the sugar, in my opinion. Sugar destroys healthy gut flora.
