Sunday, November 28, 2010

Separate the Vegan from the Ism

The worst thing we could do for animals is make a religion out of the vegan diet. Especially if the aim of the vegan diet is to end or reduce animal suffering. I've studied many religions, not from the perspective of a seeker, but out of curiosity. Religion sucks! Seriously. It's the cause of so much suffering! Therefore a nice separation of church and state would be just lovely!

Animals couldn't give one shit if I ate eggs a few days ago, but I were to be a veganazi that would turn off many more people from reducing or eliminating animal products and that would suck for animals and their vaginas! So please, STFU and start helping animals, be kind to omnivores and understand that whether it's genetics or just taste, they need to feel welcome to help end factory farming.

The need to be right

When the need to be right is placed behind being compassionate to all beings (especially towards the humans with the forks), then the animals will benefit.